Live Music Archive Linked Data
This server provides access to Linked Data that describes the audio held in the Internet Archive’s Live Music Archive (also sometimes known as "etree"). The metadata from etree has been converted to RDF and is exposed through a SPARQL endpoint along with browsable pages.
The dataset contains information describing over 100,000 performances by 4,000 artists including 1,600,000 individual tracks, each of which may be available in a number of formats.
Sample Resources
- The artist Mogwai:
- Mogwai Live at the Forum on 16-10-1999:
- The Forum venue (as played by Mogwai on 16-10-1999):
- The artist Calexico:
- Calexico Live at the Serenadenhof on 11-08-2009:
- The artist Andrew Bird:
- VoID metadata describing the dataset:
The dataset makes use of a number of vocabularies including:
- The Music Ontology:
- The Similarity Ontology:
- The Event Ontology
Artists are linked to entries in MusicBrainz, while locations of performances are linked to entries in Geonames and using a number of methods. Any such alignments are represented explicitly as similarities.
SPARQL Endpoint
A SPARQL endpoint for the data is available at Some sample queries running against this endpoint are linked below. Note that as this is currently an experimental service, query timeouts are limited.
- All artists in the collection.
- Artists and the locations of recorded performances.
- Artists with a count of their performances in the collection. There's a lot of Grateful Dead in there!
SPARQL Examples
The following query (click here to run it) retrieves a set of commonly performed songs by artists with between 200 and 1000 performances in the Live Music Archive.PREFIX etree:<> PREFIX mo:<> PREFIX event:<> PREFIX skos:<> PREFIX timeline:<> PREFIX rdf:<> PREFIX sim: <> # Get artist, trackname and number of occurrences for those # tracks that are played more than 20 times. SELECT ?artist ?artistname ?trackname ?trackPerformances { # Q2. Get the tracks from artists and count occurrences, assuming # the same name is the same track { SELECT ?artist ?trackname (COUNT(?track) AS ?trackPerformances) { # Q1. Find artists with between 200 and 1000 performances. This # weeds out a lot of the "jam" bands and the Grateful Dead { SELECT ?artist { FILTER (?performances > 200 && ?performances < 1000) { SELECT ?artist (COUNT(?perf) AS ?performances) { ?perf mo:performer ?artist. ?perf rdf:type etree:Concert. } GROUP BY ?artist } } # LIMIT 100 } # End Q1 ?track mo:performer ?artist. ?track rdf:type etree:Track. ?track skos:prefLabel ?trackname. } GROUP BY ?artist ?trackname } # End Q2 ?artist skos:prefLabel ?artistname # Inspect track names to remove noise (non-songs) FILTER (?trackPerformances > 100) FILTER (?trackname != "") FILTER (?trackname != "tmp") FILTER (!regex(?trackname,"tuning","i")) FILTER (!regex(?trackname,"intro","i")) FILTER (!regex(?trackname,"banter","i")) FILTER (!regex(?trackname,"jam","i")) FILTER (!regex(?trackname,"encore","i")) } ORDER BY ?artistname ?tracknameThis example query (click here to run it) demonstrates how to obtain a link to the raw audio recording associated with performances of a specified song:
PREFIX etree:<> PREFIX mo:<> PREFIX event:<> PREFIX skos:<> PREFIX timeline:<> PREFIX rdf:<> PREFIX sim: <> # Get audio files for multiple performances of a song. SELECT ?audio { ?track mo:performer <>. ?track rdf:type etree:Track. ?track skos:prefLabel "15 Miles". ?track etree:audio ?audio. ?audio etree:audioDerivationStatus etree:originalAudio. }
The Live Music Archive metadata is being made available under the CC0 1.0 Universal - "Creative Commons public domain waiver" license. Note that this only applies to the metadata supplied here. Links are given to audio materials for which other conditions may apply.
Sample Visualisations
The figured below show some sample overview visualisations produced using Cytoscape. The first shows relationships between artists (pink) and the geographical locations (green) in which they have been recorded. The second shows relationships between artists (pink) and mapped venues (green) in which they have been recorded.
- Slides from a presentation at DMRN+7, Digital Music Research Network One-day Workshop 2012.
- Sean Bechhofer, David De Roure and Kevin Page. Hello Cleveland! Linked Data Publication of Live Music Archives. WIAMIS: 14th International Workshop on Image and Audio Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services. July 2013.
The Computational Analysis of the Live Music Archive (CALMA) project aims to extend the etree data with computational analyses over the recordings through feature extraction, clustering, and classification.
- Sean Bechhofer, Simon Dixon, George Fazekas, Thomas Wilmering and Kevin Page. Computational Analysis of the Live Music Archive. ISMIR 2014: 15th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference.
This dataset was produced by
- Sean Bechhofer, University of Manchester
- Dave De Roure, University of Oxford
- Kevin Page, University of Oxford
For more information, please contact Sean Bechhofer. We would also like to thank the Internet Archive for granting access to the source data.